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The connective tissue woven throughout your body is literally what keeps you together, and taking good care of it can help ease a lot of aches and pains. Here’s what you need to know.


Originally published in Prevention Magazine for February 2023

Erin Scott, a 43-year-old paralegal in Baltimore, was pleased when her Stage II breast cancer went into remission thanks to chemo, two surgeries, and radiation. But the treatments left her with a common post-surgical inflammation known as frozen shoulder: Erin felt such severe stiffness in her left arm that she couldn’t reach for a glass in the cabinet or put her coat on. Sometimes when her husband playfully grabbed her arm, she’d feel a sharp sting of pain. Massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, and physical therapy improved her pain and stiffness only slightly.

Frustrated, Erin finally turned to a different kind of practitioner, one who specialized in working the fascia, a spiderweb of connective tissue found throughout the body. During her monthly one-hour treatments, Erin’s therapist applied pressure not just to her shoulder but also to her leg, her lower back, and other seemingly unrelated spots. Soon after the first session, Erin had more range of motion in her shoulder, and after a few more she could move her arm freely again. “More than a year of other treatments gave me only incremental improvements, but this worked really fast,” Erin says.


Most of us know a bit about bones, joints, organs, muscles, and nerves, but we may not have considered how it all stays together. The fascia is the answer.

The fascia (pronounced like “fashion”) is a string of fibrous proteins (mostly collagen) that weaves its way throughout the body and binds everything in place, explains Tom Myers, a longtime bodywork therapist and the author of Anatomy Trains. Think of the fascia as Spanx you wear under your skin, pulling everything in toward your skeleton. Without the fascial netting, fluid would gather at your feet, your organs would sag and slosh together, and your muscles would be like hamburger, making coordinated movement impossible.

The term “fascia” was once used to describe a specific type of connective tissue, such as the bands at the bottoms of our feet. (When these are inflamed, it’s known as plantar fasciitis.) Now, though, much of our connective tissue—including tendons, ligaments, and that surrounding muscles and organs—is included in the fascial system. Some fasciae are thin, such as the pericardium (which surrounds the heart), while others, like the tough iliotibial (IT) band along the side of the thigh, are thicker.

And your fascia does more than hold you together—it plays a crucial role in many aspects of health, says Gil Hedley, Ph.D., an anatomy educator and a fascia researcher who is based in Colorado Springs. He says that fascia is not inert (as was once believed) but biologically and neurologically active, helping you perceive where your body is at a given moment—something scientists call proprioception—so your foot lands where it should when you walk, or so you hit the chair when you sit down. And while experts have long understood that our muscles contract when we lift a bag of groceries or go for a run, they now know that fascia doesn’t just support the muscles—the fasciae actively contract too. Keeping your fascia supple is as important as keeping your muscles toned. (See “Things Your Fascia Adores.”)

Another newly discovered fact about fascia: It is the body’s richest sensory organ, relaying a range of sensations from pain to pleasure. The fascial system has 10 times as many sensory receptors as the muscles have, Myers says. “Many properties that we ascribe to muscles actually come from the fascia woven in and around the muscle. After we exercise we say we feel ‘sore muscles,’ but what we’re actually feeling is an irritant released from the fascial fabric,” he says.

All this makes these tissues essential to any conversation about pain. Because all fascia is connected inside the body, when something is out of sync in one spot, that can cause problems in seemingly unrelated areas, says Hedley. If you walk with your pelvis tipped slightly forward, for example, or tilt your ankle a pinch because of an old sprain, that can tug at fascia in your back and cause pain there, he says.




The fascia has a good deal of collagen like your skin does, so drinking a lot of water to stay hydrated keeps it healthier. “You want your fascia to be slippery, not sticky,” Hedley says.


The fascia becomes more elastic with rhythmic exercise like walking or running, Myers says. Long, slow stretches also help, as they lengthen tissue that is too short.


Rolling body parts over balls or rollers relieves fascial tension, Miller says. Her book The Roll Model uses soft balls; other programs use harder balls or foam rollers.



The fascia is involved in lots of conditions—pain after surgery, for example. Because all scar tissue is tightly bound up fascia, Myers says, you can lessen restriction and pain through massage and by moving that body part after an operation rather than protecting it excessively, he says. Urinary incontinence involves the fascia too: When Brazilian researchers examined hundreds of women with the condition, they found that half had dysfunction in their pelvic fascia, which can put extra pressure on the bladder.

Myers says that the way we typically give birth can often leave distortions in pelvic fascia that are hard to fix through exercise alone; he recommends working with a bodyworker specializing in perinatal techniques (see “How to Find a Fascia-Focused Practitioner”) to help realign it. Even colds and flu have a fascial component—if the fascia in the chest is tight, it can be harder to breathe, says Jill Miller, a longtime fascia bodyworker and the author of Body by Breath.


CHRONIC LOWER-BACK PAIN Weakened fascia, not just poor muscle tone, is often behind back pain, Hedley says. Sometimes the misalignment is in the fascia near the ankles and hips, he says, which pulls everything off balance. Fascia practitioners use their hands along with tools like balls and rollers to shift fasciae toward their optimal tone and texture. Adding this to traditional physical therapy significantly reduced disability caused by lower-back pain, Chinese researchers reported in Complementary Therapies in Medicine.

PELVIC PAIN Fasciae abound in the pelvis, says Sallie Sarrel, a doctor of physical therapy in Hoboken, NJ, and Miami. What’s more, she says, all the fascial lines in the body ultimately run through the pelvis, so misaligned fascia anywhere can contribute to pelvic pain. If you see a fascia bodyworker, they will examine your alignment and range of motion and create a program of fascial manipulation and exercises you can do at home, Sarrel says. Some practitioners also use a transvaginal “myofascial trigger point wand,” so be sure to talk to your practitioner about what you feel comfortable with, she advises.

HEADACHES A common cause of tension headache is staring at screens—this action pitches the head forward slightly, possibly inflaming fascia in the neck. A more serious type of headache known as occipital neuralgia also has a fascial component, as Harvard researchers found when they examined patients undergoing surgery for this condition and found that most had thick, scarred neck fascia. Try this for tension headaches: Roll a soft ball around the back of your neck and on your chest, ribs, and jaw—all connected by fascia to the head, says Miller. To prevent screen-related headaches, raise your computer to eye level and lift your phone to your eyes to text or read.



Body work hat focuses on the fascia goes by a few names, including Structural Integration, Myofascial Release, and Rolfing. You can find practitioners through the International Association of Structural Integrators ( or the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute (, named for the woman who pioneered fascial treatment a century ago. Some physical therapists, massage therapists, and osteopathic doctors also focus on the fascia. Therapists’ approaches can differ. Some treat just a specific problem, but others, especially Rolfing structural integrators, address the whole body over a series of sessions. Ask about their experience with problems like yours.



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Updated: Dec 20, 2022

Whether it’s skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing or any other favorite winter sports activity, the season is here and hopefully your body is ready to go play.

Whether it’s skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing or any other favorite winter sports activity, the season is here and hopefully your body is ready to go play.

As Mother Nature dumps snow on the Colorado mountains this winter, people will once again wake up early, brave the stopped traffic on I-70 by the carloads and overtake the white capped resorts to get their snow stoke on. Whether its hiking the backcountry to get fresh tracks in epic powder or riding the lifts to enjoy stunning groomed terrain. Skiing and snowboarding continually revives feelings of effortless joy, if not from last weeks run, last winter, or from our childhood. For any snow lover, there are days when skiing or riding feels effortless and easy. Other days—where you’re at your edge or far beyond it—your body is under strain when pain and injury can run the show.

To reduce or eliminate those not so easy days, this is where Rolfing can help. Rolfing refines the structural relationships in your body, bringing what’s out of order into order and sets the body up for more balance, power and ease.

Taking care of our body and creating better form and functionality, so we can perform at our best and reduce the potential for injury is key. There have been many articles about Rolfing that get some facts wrong, like thinking it's a kind of massage, or that it's all about working the muscles. This is incorrect, Rolfing works with fascia and as we explain to clients, the fascial system is really what is responsible for the whole-body pattern. The work of Rolfing is about "bringing a person more in tune or in alignment with their center of gravity" and then movement becomes more efficient, fluid, and powerful.

One of our instructors in school, Russell Stolzoff, has a great video about Rolfing Structural Integration and athletes, this one showing him working with former Detroit Lions defensive end Devin Taylor. Obviously, this video is related to a professional football player and not winter sports, but it speaks to the necessity for taking of our body, and creating better form and functionality, so we can perform at our best and potentially avoid injury.

If you watch this video, note that when Russell says, "Rolfers can create freedom and flexibility in the structure that will allow exercise to have a greater effect," he's not talking about just pro athletes – it works for all of us!

Whether you are a highly trained athlete or an amateur looking to get back into training, Rolfing structural integration increases performance significantly by reducing symptomatic stiffness and tightness of muscles and improving flexibility and balance of the body as a whole. Let’s face it, some of the winter activities(or any activity)that we love, can also be hard on our bodies, especially if there is already some underlying structural issues. Often we find injuries happening “in slow motion” and building over time that could be avoided by releasing tissue restrictions and balancing the body for fluid movement.

Skiers and snowboards can benefit from Rolfing in the following ways:

  • Release of chronic tension and scar tissue along with increased range of motion, leading to movement that’s more free from compensation and less dictated by old injuries.

  • Relief of chronically-stressed areas as force transfers through the centers of joints and limbs on its way to the boots, boards and skis.

  • Connection and support through the core structures of the body. A clearer feeling of being grounded and stable on skis or boards with power being directed cleanly and evenly through the legs, resulting in confident and agile turns.

  • Improvements in the sense of balance.

  • Length and openness in movement, a sense of ease and flow in challenging terrain.

Your body is a complex and intelligent living structure capable of superb, inherent balance and powerful, efficient movement. Rolfing helps you take full advantage of that capacity by building organization in your body and relieving the obstacles to it. An organized body means more days making tracks in Colorado’s fresh powder and less time recovering from fatigue and injury.

Schedule some Rolfing sessions and let us help you be prepared and ready for carving tracks, dropping into the backcountry or whatever you love to do in that beautiful white fluffy stuff. Your knees, quads, ankles, back and entire body will thank you!

We look forward to seeing you soon in our studio and maybe out on the slopes!

Here are a couple statements from athletes and sports authorities about how Rolfing improves performance, speeds recovery and minimizes the wear and tear of training and competition.

“Athletes always need help with chronic injuries, muscular strain and overuse. Rolfing supports structural realignment for greater efficiency of movement and more precise movement.”

- Dr. Karl Ullis, Olympic Physician

“Rolfing helped me get back my career. It tackled some specific injuries that were restricting me from training for the ‘98 Olympics and got me back on track. You can ice and rest, but no matter how slow you train, until you lengthen out the tightness and scarring, it will come back.”

-Two-time Olympian, U.S. Nordic Ski Team Member, John Bauer,

“Rolfing gave me the elasticity to make my first day of skiing look like I was in mid-season form. When people asked me what I’d been doing, I said you won’t believe it, but it was Rolfing bodywork. The first time I tried Rolfing bodywork the rejuvenating effects were incredible. Since then I have been recommending Rolfing to others.”

- World-renowned Extreme skier, and popular Warren Miller ski film star, John Egan.

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